![My Ipod](iPod.gif)
These are instructions on how to get your free gift from eMarketResearchGroup. Please do net contact me regarding the eMarketResearchGroup promotions. I am in no way associated with that company, nor am I responsible for any dealings that the readers of this site have with that company. This site is intended for informational purposes only.
I'm going to describe how I got my free gift and offer suggestions to help you ensure that you get yours. Let's get started!
Tip: Remember that eMarketResearchGroup (theUseful.com) is a legitimate company that is not out to cheat people. Treat them as though you know and understand that and they'll treat you like a real customer.
Tip: Be patient. Every step of this process is going to take a considerable amount of time, but remember that theUseful.com deserves to make their money just as you deserve your free gift.
Step #1: Browse the internet for banner ads (the long ads that stretch across the screen and are very irritating) that offer a free gift
for completing some simple game. Usually the game is a simple animation where you have to have to complete a task like punch the clown,
flog the dolphin, spank the monkey, choke the chicken, or some other absurdly menial competetion. When you complete it, ensure that you have
in fact visited http://www.emarketresearchgroup.com or http://www.incentiverewardcenter.com. You can't just visit the urls because
the game gives you your session id.
Step #2: Now, enter your zip code and submit to check availability and you'll be taken to the form where you give them your mailing address
and your email address. Sounds kind of scary, huh? Do you really want them to have your home address? They've got to mail an iPod to you, don't
they? Well, maybe this will help . . .
The Owner:
21706 Cromwell Cir
Boca Raton, FL 33486-8615
(561) 955-9065
Now, give him your mailing address and let's get this show on the road.
Tip: They will send you enough spam to feed every Alabama trailer park for a year so set up a free Yahoo or Hotmail email address that you can keep an eye on until you get your gift then let it go fallow.
Step #3: Grab some munchies and your favorite beverage because this next step is going to take a little while. Now you have to go
through a battery of obnoxious surveys until the index finger on your mouse hand no longer has fingerprints. Get through it and you're almost
finished with the formalities.
Tip: Don't forget to read the Terms of Service. These are important and you should keep them in mind as you finish the process.
Step #4: When you finish all of your surveys, you have to participate in six sponsor programs (two from each of three pages). This
is where it gets a little complicated. Remember to use the same email address and mailing address that you registered with or the offers will not register with
the system.
Tip: Look through the offers on each page and plan your strategy. If you go through one page at a time, you'll find that you'll find that you are shit-out-of-luck in the third page and you'll actually have to spend some money.
Tip: Write down the date that each offer begins to charge money; you'll want to cancel before that date. Wait until you get the confirmation emails, then cancel immediately after that. Save all of your cancellation emails too incase you need to dispute a charge.
Step #5: When you have completed all six offers and have gotten all six (sometimes more) confirmation emails, wait four weeks for the results
system to update. Remember the patience tip above. Continually (mind you, not continuously) check the progress at eMarketResearchGroup.com
to see how things are going. If they register all six offers, go ahead and continue with your ticket submission. If four weeks pass and all six haven't registered,
it's time to start making some contact.
Step #6: Start by contacting the company via the website (there is a "Contact Us" link at the bottom of the page. Click it. Fill in
your question (i.e., Where's my iPod? laptop? etc.?). Be patient. They have a lot of customers they have to contact. Give them a few days to respond. Let them know you saved
your confirmation emails.
Tip: Be Polite! Nobody likes to be yelled at, fussed at, threatened, lied to, etc. Be polite and they'll be willing to work with you. Remember that this is a customer service company, not a scam.
Step #7: Call the company on the phone. Work your way around the organization politely and patiently and you will get your gift. Be sure to get your
customer service agents extension (and personal email address like I did) and contact him/her once per week regarding the status of the gift. This part takes about a month as well. Be
patient! The phone number is (561) 997-6484.
Contact Me
Please do net contact me regarding the eMarketResearchGroup promotions. I am in no way associated with that company, nor am I responsible for any dealings that the readers of this site have with that company. This site is intended for informational purposes only.